Our GABON Initiatives
Os Petro have entered the Gabon market with an interest in becoming a competitor in this oil and gas rich countries history of production and supply to the world. Our aim is to contribute our technological experience and capabilities to an emerging economies progressive development of its energy and power sector. We foresee great prospective opportunities in the Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream sectors within Gabon as the demand for the countries oil and gas reserves become increasingly important to the global production and consumption demands.
Upstream Sector: We are currently exploring marginal fields that we can secure for exploration and development so that we can secure the right acreage to add to our portfolio of reserves within our exploration and production asset base. We are also looking into the upstream supply chain sector and see how best we can introduce technology and quality of service-oriented support to the existing players in the market.
Midstream sector: Our midstream focused strategy is to get into the logistics sector which comprises of the transportation of products and the trading of crude oil to prospective clients we already have established relationships with. We intend to expand our capabilities with the introduction of new and innovative way to make the process of crude access and deliver simple.
Downstream sector: The Gabon oil and gas downstream market is expected to witness a CAGR of more than 0.11%, during the forecast period of 2020 – 2025 and OS Petro is poised to be a participant in achieving the above sector goals. Factors, such as increasing consumption of petroleum products, are expected to boost the demand for the Gabonese market. However, oil production has been reducing steeply since the past few years, which, in turn, is expected to have a negative impact on the refinery sector in the country in the future but with our core upstream focus, we intend to bring positive contribution to production increase. OS Petro intends to engage in the acquisition of Petroleum Stations within Gabon and develop an IGF model that will empower the existing sector with more capital returns and growth being recognized in local development initiatives by the institutions that regulate the sector.